Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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An Explosion of Fun on July 4th!

IMG_4775 Written by Eugene L.

In lieu of the Fourth of July holiday, Koinonia Juniors and Kairos had a jam-packed outing to Fredericksburg, Texas! We started off our Independence Day celebration by honoring our nation’s history of fighting for freedom at the National Museum of the Pacific War, which took us through the Pacific and Asiatic Theaters of World War II. In the words of Fredericksburg native Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, “Uncommon valor was a common virtue.” It was amazing to see the selfless acts of courage from these servicemen and even the American civilians who banded together to contribute to the war effort.


IMG_4770 Afterwards, we headed out to explore Fredericksburg’s historic downtown, which was comprised of many small shops selling everything from German sausages and handmade peach ice cream to Christmas ornaments and eccentric hats.



IMG_4014 We spent the late afternoon on the big, grassy lawns of Pratt Park. Some played Frisbee and football, while others played some intense games of sand volleyball and tennis on the courts.


_MG_9685 The weather was perfect for picnicking in the shade as well, and we enjoyed a dinner of fried chicken with a potluck of side dishes and red-white-and-blue desserts. As it grew dark, we had a chance to witness some truly spectacular fireworks that were shot off just a couple hundred feet away, bursting seemingly right above our heads. We finished off the night by celebrating a few July birthdays. All in all, it was a perfect summer holiday to celebrate freedom and relax with some fun fellowship!